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48138 2020-10-28T11:13:49 24
设计师: 蔡祝源

以梦为马,不负韶华 | 佛山精鹰办公楼Dream as a horse, live up to your youth | Foshan Jingying Office Building

唐宋年间,佛山的手工业、商业和文化已十分繁荣,明清时,更是发展成商贾云集、工商业发达的岭南重镇。佛山扎狮和佛山灯色工艺名扬海外,中国南狮在广东,佛山是南狮的发源地,有“狮王之王”之美誉。黄飞鸿门下弟子中不乏出类拔萃的武术家,现今流传世界各地的洪拳,成为世界著名的功夫流派。而今,广东、香港、台湾以至新加坡、马来西亚、欧洲、美洲等地,都有黄飞鸿的拳术流传,将佛山的独有历史文化不断发扬光大。孩提时代,佛山的黄飞鸿和舞狮成为了众多经典影视的美好记忆,一度成为佛山发源的一张靓丽的名片,从而带动佛山影视产业的蓬勃发展!During the Tang and Song dynasties, Foshan's handicraft industry, commerce and culture have been very prosperous. In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, it developed into a major Lingnan town with many merchants and developed industry and commerce.Foshan Zhashi and Foshan lamp color crafts are well-known overseas. China Southern Lion is in Guangdong. Foshan is the birthplace of Southern Lion and has the reputation of "King of Lion King".Among Huang Feihong's disciples, there are many outstanding martial artists. Nowadays, Hongquan is spread all over the world and has become a world-renowned Kung Fu school.Today, Huang Feihong's boxing skills are spreading in Guangdong, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, Europe, America and other places, and continue to carry forward Foshan's unique history and culture.As a child, Huang Feihong and the lion dance in Foshan became the fond memories of many classic films and televisions, and once became a beautiful business card of the origin of Foshan, thus driving the vigorous development of Foshan's film and television industry! 

01_博思道设计有幸参与一个全新的办公空间设计,并期待以此成为佛山办公空间领域的另一张名片—佛山精鹰传媒.BOSI TAO Design is fortunate to participate in the design of a new office space, and looks forward to becoming another business card in the field of office space in Foshan—Foshan Jingying Media. 

02_在完美空间共享创意Sharing ideas in the perfect space社会是一个有机体,而传媒是传递品牌力重要的组成部分。Society is an organism,The media is an important part of delivering brand power. 近年来,随着科技的不断发展,由于自动化和人工智能的层出不穷,大大减少了员工的工作量。人们的工作方式也在不断地进行演变,不再仅仅满足于办公,同时还要满足于员工的灵活性和移动的办公方式,营造休闲的方式充分得到使用者的情感认同,才能真正走进他们的内心。因此,博思道设计始终秉承着:WorkeCafeWorkHealthWorkLife的“3W”生活办公理念,通过空间设计,为企业的可持续发展提供支持!

In recent years, with the continuous development of science and technology, due to the endless emergence of automation and artificial intelligence, the workload of employees has been greatly reduced.People’s working methods are constantly evolving. They are no longer just satisfied with the office, but also satisfied with the flexibility of employees and mobile office methods. The leisure way is fully recognized by the users and can truly enter their heart.

Therefore, BOSI TAO Design always adheres to:




"3W" life office concept, through space design, provide support for the sustainable development of enterprises!

03_办公与生态景观的碰撞移动技术的发展意味着人们不再需要坐在传统的办公桌旁,多样化办公模式,响应了当今工作场所的"生态绿色办公"与景观充分融合。同时,办公场所的氛围打造是设计为企业吸引人才的关键差异化因素之一。会议室融入了更多的细节,全落地的透明玻璃,结合工业感的空间设计,打造整体环境偏向舒适和灵活的会议模式,也能达到视觉和触觉的舒适享受,紧张的气氛得到有效缓解,以人为本。 The collision of office and ecological landscapeThe development of mobile technology means that people no longer need to sit at traditional desks, diversified office models, and respond to the full integration of the "ecological green office" and landscape in today's workplace.At the same time, the atmosphere creation of the office space is one of the key differentiating factors for design to attract talents to enterprises.The meeting room incorporates more details. The full floor-to-ceiling transparent glass, combined with the industrial space design, creates a comfortable and flexible meeting mode in the overall environment, which can also achieve visual and tactile comfort, and the tense atmosphere is effectively relieved,Achieve the aim of people-oriented. 

04_ 会议与会客空间高产融合高级行政办公区的景观与班台组合相得益彰,透过窗外的美景,更显娴雅之气。严谨、庄重的独立办公室,融入会所的独有气质。佐以柔软的沙发混搭组合,运用金属、真皮、木材和酒柜在VIP接待空间的巧妙碰撞,彰显创始人独有的年轻活力与品位生活。 High-yield integration of meeting and guest spacesThe landscape of the high-level administrative office area complements the desk combination, and the beautiful scenery outside the window makes it more elegant.The rigorous and solemn independent office blends into the unique temperament of the clubhouse.With the combination of soft sofas, the clever collision of metal, leather, wood and wine cabinets in the VIP reception space demonstrates the founder's unique youthful vitality and tasteful life.

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